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chiropractor explaining the human spine to patient

Did you know: 32 National Football League teams take advantage of the benefits of chiropractic medicine. Each of the 32 teams has a chiropractor on staff to increase performance, maintain the players’ well-being, and treat musculoskeletal strain and injury.

The pre-chiropractic pathway is designed to help students complete the minimum requirements for most chiropractic institutions. Students must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA for consideration by chiropractic schools, although most institutions prefer a GPA above a 3.0 when accepting applicants.

Internships are available with local chiropractors. See the course description for HLTH 493 Internship and meet with an advisor for more details. For additional information on chiropractic programs in the United States, visit the Association for Chiropractic Colleges website.

Pre-Health Advising Team

Contact an advisor by emailing

Suggested Academic Plan

Steps to take in your first year at Boise State:

  1. Attend Orientation
  2. Attend Required Advising Appointment
  3. Start Major Exploration
  4. Explore Schools
  5. Participate in Pre-Health Student Organizations and Workshops
  6. Consider taking the courses listed to the right in your first year:

The courses listed on the tables are meant as a guide for students to start completing the requirements to apply to chiropractic schools in the U.S. Students should meet regularly with their academic and pre-health advisors to ensure progress.

Semester 1 Semester 2
(FW) ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I (3)
(FM) MATH 143 College Algebra (3)
(FA) Foundations of Arts (3)*
(FC) COMM 101 Oral Communications (3)
(FS) Foundations of Social Sciences (3)*
PSYC 101, SOC 101 or HLTH 110 are strongly recommended
(FW) ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric II (3)
MATH 144 Precalculus II: Trigonometric Functions (2)
(FN) CHEM 111/111L General Chemistry I with Lab (4)
(UF) UF 100 Foundations of Intellectual Life (3)
HLTH 101 Medical Terminology (3)

*For a complete list of University Foundation Courses please see the catalog on the Registrar’s Office website.

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